"Monsters of the deep"An interview in 2001 at Dunderave beach in West Vancouver with Capt. Cyril Andrews, he recalls
a sighting of a large serpentine animal that took place in the 1930's.
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"Sea Tales" a 2001 interview with Captain William (BILL) Hagelund as he recalls capturing a strange sea creature in pirates cove British Columbia Canada in August 1968.
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"Animal X" an Australian made documentary television series that aired in 1997. Segment includes Dr. Ed Bousfield as well as a number of witnesses including a sea pilot that had a encounter while landing his plane.
"National Geographic (Wild)" a clip from a documentary series showing a clever animation of a Cadborosaurus swimming underwater.
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"CBC Digital Archives"
1956 Langley interview from the very first "reported” sighting
that started it all, as Mrs. Langley recalls the encounter from
"Who's your Caddy" Episode 11 and 12 Tom Jackson and Shayla Stonechild lead the investigation of archaeological discoveries and ancient myths to uncover how Indigenous Peoples may have played a role in historical events and legends.