Captures and Carcass's

Before Caddy: Howe Sound Capture. 
Five years before the Cadborosaurus was officially named in
B.C., the Billings Gazette, Montana newspaper had picked
up a report from the British Colonist that in September
1928, an Ogopogo was captured by the son of Vancouver
magistrate Henry Osborne (Harry) Alexander. However,
unlike the story in the Billings newspaper, the Colonist
reported that this “Ogopogo” was not captured in Okanagan
Lake, but rather in Long Bay, Gambier Island, Howe Sound,
British Columbia, and newspapers had mistakenly referred
to the animal as "Ogopogo". The report states that the
animal ended up in the hands of the B.C.P.P. British
Columbia Provincial Police and the fate of the carcass
remains unknown. 
( Billings/Victoria articles were discovered and researched by John Kirk.)

False alarm again: Camp Fircom Carcass. 
Two postcards from 1936 showing a carcass washed ashore at Camp Fircom.
(Compared to the Alaskan carcass, note the similarities to the head.)
Henry Island 1934
The Henry Island carcass, on the wharf in Prince Rupert (London Illustrated News, 1934)

Billings Gazette 1928
Fircom  1936
False alarm: the Henry Island carcass. 
Found near Prince Rupert BC.  Prematurely heralded as “possible proof of the existence of Caddy,” but recognized by experts as the decomposed carcass of a basking shark.