Smaller Caddy Encounters

Baby-Caddy ?

A similar, but much smaller creature,
at least in the eyes of ex-whaler W.
Hagelund, who captured it in Gulf
Islands waters, was thought to be a
"baby-Caddy", a controversial
attribution. For the first hand account
of W. Haglund visit the media and
video section, Click here where he
gives his personal account of what he
found in 1968.

On at least two separate occasions witnesses have reported small unknown animals bearing a close
resemblance to the Hagelund sketch. One incident occurred in the Summer of 1991, when a witness
found a live "baby dinosaur" on the beach of Johns Island on the American side of the Hero Straight.
She seized the animal with two sticks and threw it back into the water.

The most recent was captured in a deep set crab pot in Ganges Harbor off Vancouver Island in 1998,
described as a “baby dragon”. The fisherman had pulled up the trap set at approx. 140 feet and found
a unusual animal that looked like a "baby dragon".  As it hissed and struggled he immediately tossed
the animal back into the water. Later he referred to several marine encyclopedias to attempt to
identify the animal but without success. Upon being interviewed the witness was shown the 1987
sketch and commented on the likeness to the animal he held. 

Hagelund Sketch 1987
W.A. Hagelund sketch, Pirates Cove,B.C. (Sketch from Hagelund 1987)